Milicruit Announces Online Career Fair for West Coast Region

Over 4,000 Jobs Available for Veterans and Military Spouses

Jul 22, 2011

CHICAGO, July 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Milicruit, the recognized leader for career fairs for veterans, today is pleased to announce that they will host a regional virtual career fair for California, Oregon, and Washington on July 28th. The regional event will focus only on the West Coast states and will allow employers to focus their searches in this market. The West Coast event is the first in a long line of regionally-focused career fairs Milicruit has planned.

"We could not be happier to launch the Milicruit regional career fairs with the West Coast event, and with over 7,000 veterans and spouses registered in the 3 states we will focus on, it only makes sense that we look to that region first. We have also listened to our employer partners, and the West Coast is an area that many of our employer partners have pressing needs. We look forward to hosting the event next week and to future regions the rest of the year," said Kevin O'Brien, VP Business Development, UBM Studios.

The regional virtual career fair will allow employers to meet with veterans who reside in CA, OR and WA, but more importantly, it will provide active duty personnel, veterans and spouses who may be moving to that region the same opportunity to meet with employers who have needs on the West Coast but without having to travel. "With over 4,000 jobs available with the employers who will be exhibiting in the career fair, the West Coast event is sure to be a great way for veterans and military spouses to secure employment in the region," says O'Brien.

Employers, veterans, and military spouses interested in participating can register at

In the Milicruit environment, a job seeker can: build a profile including resume and picture, visit employer booths, view/apply for jobs and chat with recruiters directly from the comfort and convenience of wherever they may be located. Milicruit moved the virtual recruitment environment to a perpetual state in May, and it now allows veterans to research employers, view/apply for jobs and send recruiters messages even if the recruiter is not online.

"We listened to the veterans, spouses and employers, and overwhelmingly they asked for more access more often so moving from a 1 day quarterly career fair to an always-on environment made sense," says O'Brien.

For additional information on Milicruit, UBM Studios or to purchase a virtual career fair, contact Kevin O'Brien, at (215) 525-5776 x101 or

UBM produces virtual career fairs in education, chemical, technology and military in Asia, Europe and North America.

Follow Milicruit on Twitter (@Milicruit), Facebook and LinkedIn for all the latest news.

About Milicruit

Milicruit is the recognized leader of virtual career fairs for military veterans, powered by UBM Studios. Milicruit brings employers who are committed to helping veterans find suitable employment after serving the country together with military veterans and their spouses seeking suitable employment. Given the large number of veterans looking to reenter the civilian job market, Milicruit allows employers and job seekers to meet and interact in an online setting. For additional information on Milicruit, visit

About UBM plc

UBM plc is a leading global business media company. We inform markets and bring the world's buyers and sellers together at events, online, in print and provide them with the information they need to do business successfully. We focus on serving professional commercial communities, from doctors to game developers, from journalists to jewellery traders, from farmers to pharmacists around the world. Our 6,000 staff in more than 30 countries are organised into specialist teams that serve these communities, helping them to do business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.

Kevin O'Brien
UBM Studios
(215) 525-5776 x101